Welcome to Hotel Surya Nagari , Jodhpur , India

PROPERTY DETAILSBeing closely connected to public transports, restaurant, garden and banks, Suryanagari Guest House offers a comfortable stay to its patrons. This property in Jodhpur has six standard rooms that are equipped with essential requisites. Conveniences offered in the rooms include hot water supply, large bed, television, ceiling fan, windows, chair, attached bathroom, and drinking water. Guests are offered medical aid, car rental, and housekeeping during their stay. NEIGHBOURHOODPlaces worth visiting include Mehrangarh Fort (5 km), Umaid Palace Museum (7 km), Science Park (4 km), Rao Jodha Desert Rock Park (4 km) and Sardar Government Museum (5 km).NEARBYCivil Airport Jodhpur is 7 km away, while Jodhpur Junction Railway Station is at a distance of 4 km from the property. Raika Bagh Central Bus Station is 5 km away from the property. Taxi and Rickshaw are available and connect well within the city.HOUSE RULES TIMINGS: 24-hour Check-in and Check-out, non-veg food is not allowed. smoking is not allowed, drinking alcohol is not allowed, unmarried couples are not allowed, valid ID proof is a mandate, and pets are not allowed.